Hello from Switzerland & Niedersachsen.......

  • Hello Forum,

    I would like to introduce myself, my name is Andrew, I am originally from England (no Football jokes please… :o)) I currently live in Switzerland in Kreuzling and also in Niedersachsen in Celle (Work during the week in Switzerland, live at the weekends with my Family in Celle).

    I do speak and read German very well, but for me to write in German is still “sehr problematisch” so please do not hesitate in answering in German.

    I have a 2013/06 Ford Mondeo Turnier 2.0 TDCi (163) Titanium S which I purchased in March 2014 with 10,000km last week it went in for its first service @ 40,000km so as you can see I spend a lot of time in the car….

    I am very happy with the car, but up until now I have not had much time to make any “modifications” with the exception of an Bluetooth OBD II connector and a 7” tablet. I think the next step will be some new rims, as far as the suspension is concerned I will stick with the factory 1 cm lower suspension as I think if I go any lower it will become uncomfortable when I am driving 750km`s home and back to work.

    I have spent a lot of time reading through the forum and I must say I am very impressed with the Cars that you guys have and with all of the work you have done on them and the amount of useful information that is available :thumbup: .


  • _Welcomehier142_
    aber erklär mir das bitte:
    How do the words "England" and "Football" together in one sentence?!

  • (no Football jokes please? :o))

    First of all: Welcome on Board!

    There is no need for football jokes because you have chosen the right countries for work and living - both of them are still present in Brasilia and until the end of the competition you can enjoy a lot of good matches by saying: "This is our team!" Probably you should practice that in German, Schwyzerduetsch, French and Italian.

    Die schnellste Verbindung zwischen zwei Punkten ist eine Gerade.
    Die von den meisten Fahrern am wenigsten beherrschte Strecke zwischen zwei Geraden ist eine Kurve.
    Was das heißt?

    Geradeaus sind wir alle schnell !!!

    Achtung! Beiträge können Ironie enthalten! Ironie unterliegt nicht der Kennzeichnungspflicht!

    Meine Beiträge in diesem Forum geben ausschließlich meine persönlichen Meinungen und Wissensstände wider.

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