verstärkte Heckklappendämpfer Kombi II

  • Opening a new topic as related topics are quite old...

    I was looking for a stronger and a bit longer strut for my "Kombi". As there is officially no stronger replacement part for the original Monroe ML5772, I did some measurements, calculations and spend a long time browsing supplier data. I bought several struts that were supposed to work, but then turned out to be too long/short or too strong. Many measurements needed to fit: size when closed, size opened, stroke, strength, diameter, connectors etc.

    Then I found the excellent replacement part: JOHNS 71419591 (650N, original =585N, and it opens a little more though should be same).

    For one year now I have been testing this one. From -25 to +30 degrees and I am very happy with this model. At severe cold it still needs little help, but normal -10 ish it is ok. Also in summer it is fine. I found a 720N model too powerful, besides the fact that is was too short - I still remember that last part well...

    I thought I would share this with the forum members, as the colder temperatures will be with us soon ;)

  • Thanks for the info! This might be found helpful by some of the members although we are still facing temperatures between 25 and 30 degrees (above Zero).

    Die schnellste Verbindung zwischen zwei Punkten ist eine Gerade.
    Die von den meisten Fahrern am wenigsten beherrschte Strecke zwischen zwei Geraden ist eine Kurve.
    Was das heißt?

    Geradeaus sind wir alle schnell !!!

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    Meine Beiträge in diesem Forum geben ausschließlich meine persönlichen Meinungen und Wissensstände wider.

  • :dankeschild: , sicherlich besser als die Schäfer-Federn.

    Mk5 2.0 TDCi 180 PS AWD Powershift Titanium X

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