I'm from Italy and I own two Fords: a MK4 2010 facelift Mondy (four doors, Frozen white, Titanium TDCi 163 cv, Eiback Pro-Kit) and an old 1970 Escort MK1 in "Mexico replica" version.
Many thanks for your kindness (and your patience with the language....).
Hello from Italy
cunico -
21. September 2011 um 12:22
Benvenuto nel nostro 'forum'.
Il tuo nick suggerisce che si vive in provincia di Asti. Giusto? Veramente una zona molto bella, e il vino non è maleSi può avere qualche foto dei vostri macchine? Siamo molto curiosi.
The choice of my nickname derives from Cunico, an Italian rally driver who won a lot of rally by driving an Escort Cosworth.
In the pictures you can see my Mondeo and my Escort.
What do you think about them? -
Graz, the Escort looks great!
The only thing I don't like about the car is, that it's not mine...
Ups, almost forgotten. Also your Mondeo is very nice!
Nice Cars and
Another picture of my Mondy.....
to this Forum. Nice Cars.
Greetings to Italy.
Best regards
Jetzt mitmachen!
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