Hello from the UK

  • Hi Everyone,. 'm Felix, from the UK. I have been reading through this site for a while now but I have never joined. So I have finally bit the bullet and joined tonight wanted to say you all SEEM like a good bunch so hello to everyone! I have a 2008 Mk4 Titanium X 2.2TDCi saloon. I have been upgrading a few things on it over the load few months. I have not got any great pictures of it. That's more to do with my photo skills then any thing else. But I will post up and explain what I have Planned for it.

  • _Welcomehier142_

    Mondeo 1993 CLX 16V 90PS
    Mondeo 2008 Titanium X 2.5T 270PS
    Mondeo 2010 2.0T Titanium S 240PS

  • Hello Felix from the UK, _Welcomehier142_ to this forum . Enjoy it and have a good time here.

  • Naja, google Übersetzer hilft da nich sehr viel, viiell. höchstens den ungefähren Sinn zu verstehen. Aber bei Phrasen wie "I have finally bit the bullet" stößt google da doch an Grenzen. In diesem Falle wäre das dann sowas wie " ...in den sauren Apfel beißen, und " oder " nun endlich den Stier bei den Hörnern packen und...".
    You see, my english is not the yellow of the egg :D

  • Möönsch Franky, du kannst ja perfekt ausländisch, my dear Mr. singing club!


    Die schnellste Verbindung zwischen zwei Punkten ist eine Gerade.
    Die von den meisten Fahrern am wenigsten beherrschte Strecke zwischen zwei Geraden ist eine Kurve.
    Was das heißt?

    Geradeaus sind wir alle schnell !!!

    Achtung! Beiträge können Ironie enthalten! Ironie unterliegt nicht der Kennzeichnungspflicht!

    Meine Beiträge in diesem Forum geben ausschließlich meine persönlichen Meinungen und Wissensstände wider.

  • :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
    Felix, you see, we have a lot of fun here :D

  • Hello from Austria! Here I've got a hint for your plans:

    Mk5 2.0 TDCi 180 PS AWD Powershift Titanium X

  • Hi, linza4, Spike1985, Fast Franky, Uncle Henry, 2waq, mondeo mk4, deltaF, Thanks for the warm welcome. and glad I am on board ... I translate the forum using Chrome. I will try and not speak too much english slang ... Do not want chrome struggling! I am going to attempt to post up some picture I took a few days ago. They are not the greatest. but its work in progress. As you can see spoke from the photo's I have changed the alloys from 15 to 18 "5 spoke. I think the car looks much better, so I have had the back quarter windows tinted. I also changed the front fogs to the sport version. I have the sport upper and lower grille (yet to fit) Spoilers (Yet to fit) front lower lip (Yet to fit) That just leaves the diffuser and side skirts to DO. did once is done I think I might invest in this http :/ / http://www.chipexpress.com/products/701/</a> Or would it be better going for the bluefin linza recommend? Anyway thanks again guys


    15 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Felix (30. März 2014 um 01:53)

  • Why not use cockney rhyming slang....pretty sure google translator will fail on that.... 8) ...might be possible that you already heard of my nickname on UK-TV?

    Welcome aboard. Whereabouts in the UK are you from? I am at Broadstairs - Kent on holiday once a year....and I'm an IT-guy myself as well.

  • I think I might invest in this

    I don't trust these powerboxes. They only increase the rail pressure. Bluefin is an optimized software directly for the car's PCM module.

    Mk5 2.0 TDCi 180 PS AWD Powershift Titanium X

  • I totaly agree to Linza. I would never stress my engine with one of these boxes. Bluffing works great for me.

  • @ArthurDaley. Now that would be funny. seeing if chrome could translate cockney slang : lol I dread to think what words it would come up with. :S I'm based in Northamptonshire i'm a few miles away from Santa pod and about 15 miles away from silverstone!! So im lucky with car events around my way! if you're ever in my part of the world you should give me a shout !

    @Linza & Spike. Thanks guys for the info on the synthesis box's I shall go down the route of bluefin as advised.

    also I was desperately trying to sort out some pics last night. I think i edited my post about 15 times. I gave up in the end.

    here is what she looks like now!!!! catch you all soon guys


  • Cheers CSR,

    You sent me the info on the drl on youtube !!!!! I love your car... I thinks its brilliant

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