• RFA is dedicated module for cars with keyless start or entry (I had and have in my use such only)
    433Mhz receiver connected to RFA,
    in other way its connected to BCM I suppose (but I can't see such pids in BCM firmware for out)

    4F0 is RCM out PID, I got all IDs data from modules firmware, so its accurate info (and BCM doesnt read it)
    BCM has only that 4xx on HS: 46C, 4A3, 4AB

    I have S-Max, so its hydro-electrical power steering as I know, SECM

  • RFA is dedicated module for cars with keyless start or entry (I had and have in my use such only)
    433Mhz receiver connected to RFA, in other way its connected to BCM I suppose (but I can't see such pids in BCM firmware for out)

    My car is keyless, also :) But my play-BCM is configured not to have it.
    In my understanding "RFA" is this https://mk4-wiki.denkdose.de/grundlagen/rfa/start and keyless-module is called "KVM" (see this picture https://mk4-wiki.denkdose.de/_media/grundla…_uebersicht.png)

    I'm not able to find CAN-IDs in a Firmware binary, maybe you have access to the sources or you're just genius and able debug the Assembler code... but i think it could depend on CCC? If one does not have keyless, maybe the ID is sent from BCM, and if one has it, it's sent vom the keyless-module (called KVM, Keyless-Vehicle-Module, not RFA).

    "Lernen ist Erfahrung. Alles andere ist einfach nur Information."

    Albert Einstein

  • Do you know communication between fuel firef heater (AHCM) and BCM? My observations show that BCM will trigger start of it at given time and IPC only displays the message that its running. I‘d like to know the commands it sends to/from the heater to make it start. Also i think that BCM controls climate module to set flaps and blower speed.
    I tool many logs but cant decodr comm.

    "Lernen ist Erfahrung. Alles andere ist einfach nur Information."

    Albert Einstein

  • its IPC "rule the world", I told you, thats why AHCM located on MS-CAN,
    AHCM has direct control of EATC fan,
    not possible to control flaps and fan speed,
    its locked and unpowered by BCM and can't be changed while car is sleeping.
    MK5 only has it under AHCM control, MK4 is not.

  • I see. But i don’t think you’re right about power of EATC module. It is connected to „POWER 30“ in schematics, which is permanent +12V directly from battery. So it seems it powers down itself or by some CAN commands. So it could wakeup on specific commands and control inner blower fan and flaps. They are not connected electrically with the aux heater.
    All he does is send CAN commands to EATC.

    "Lernen ist Erfahrung. Alles andere ist einfach nur Information."

    Albert Einstein

  • ofcourse it is not connected to AHCM, it would be stupid,
    its controlled over CAN, because why stock webasto module is important,
    and when people fit webasto, but not from Ford, climate control is not available as CAN control/statuses.

    may be EATC has constant power, should be for instant reaction,
    BUT power of flaps and fans are under BCM control,
    BCM reads out AHCM status cmd and activates/deactivates power,
    so EATC makes control of fan only, because
    a) have no control from AHCM by design
    b) flaps are unpowered.

  • Thanks for pointing this out, @motral. Looked at the schematics again and found that only the PWM control line of the blowers powermodule is from EATC. Power supply itself comes via a relay which is controlled by BCM port „FAN RELAY LOGIC“, as you said.

    Flaps are not clearly documented in schematics. There is no external feed or relay, nor any amplification. The highlevel controls are inside of the EATC module (H-Bridge i think). So the module could(!) control them any time.

    "Lernen ist Erfahrung. Alles andere ist einfach nur Information."

    Albert Einstein

  • Thanks for pointing this out, @motral. Looked at the schematics again and found that only the PWM control line of the blowers powermodule is from EATC. Power supply itself comes via a relay which is controlled by BCM port „FAN RELAY LOGIC“, as you said.

    Flaps are not clearly documented in schematics. There is no external feed or relay, nor any amplification. The highlevel controls are inside of the EATC module (H-Bridge i think). So the module could(!) control them any time.

    Hallo! Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber Sie haben ein interessantes Thema angesprochen. Ich wollte gerade den CAN-Bus analysieren und alle IDs für das Navigationssystem und Multimedia herausfinden. Dann möchte ich eine Anwendung für Android schreiben, die die notwendigen Informationen an Convers sendet, und dann werden so viele Leute die volle Funktionalität von Converse mit jedem chinesischen Android-Tonbandgerät erhalten. Wie sieht es aus, dass Sie gemeinsam dazu kommen? Momentan benötige ich eine Tabelle mit IDs und Datenbits, die zum Austausch von Daten mit einem umgekehrten Inhalt benötigt werden. Könnten Sie Ihren Tisch schicken?

  • English would be ok, if you're more comfortable with. Google translations can't handle technicals terms correctly, so the last sentence means: "Could you send your table", but you shurely mean: "Could you send your spreadsheet" ;)

    Well, first of all, your welcome to do anything you have in mind and publish it here. As long as this is a dialog and you're willing to provide the information you evolve to others, i will support you as good as i can :) So, go ahead and tell what you discovered until now!

    For me i can tell you, that i had identified nearly all senders of messages, but only a few payloads, because i mostly had focused on the MS-CAN until now. All my results are in a big Excel which is more a working area for me. Maybe we should start a Online-Spreadsheet with Google-Table or a Wikipage for adding all results... but there are even more questions to be answered.

    To work efficiently together important questions to answer are:

    Which equipment do you have? (which car? which radiosystem? which IPC(s)?

    What do you use to inspect des CAN Bus? (Software and hardware to be able toexchange results and logs)

    What are your technical skills? (Do you know how CAN works and the overlaying protocols?)

    "Lernen ist Erfahrung. Alles andere ist einfach nur Information."

    Albert Einstein

  • To work efficiently together important questions to answer are:

    Which equipment do you have? (which car? which radiosystem? which IPC(s)?

    What do you use to inspect des CAN Bus? (Software and hardware to be able toexchange results and logs)

    What are your technical skills? (Do you know how CAN works and the overlaying protocols?)

    Good. English is more preferable, although his knowledge is at the level of reading technical literature. I will answer questions ...

    - I have a Ford Mondeo 4 2008 release 2.3 AT. Sony MP3 multimedia system that does not understand Russian and other specific characters. I do not have a Bluetooth module like Novero OR NOIKA.

    - To check the CAN bus, I use can-hacker compiled on arduino, as well as id can be obtained via elm327.

    - I am a system administrator and the bus can very much resembles a computer network, so I have a general understanding.

    I understand that this is work for you and this information can bring you money, but you would have done a very good thing for all the people if you would help with the ID of multimedia functions, because a huge number of people would be able to make Converse work with any multimedia system on android using a simple device and an android application that will send all the necessary information through the device to converse. That is, my technical skills allow me to write a program for this and collect the necessary equipment. The problem is only in the long and tedious search for the ID and the necessary bytes.

    If you have done something earlier, I hope that you will help me with all the multimedia IDs so that I will not reinvent the wheel again. At least I really hope so.

    A common spreadsheet with media ID would be a very good option.

    I lost a lot of information because I didn’t know that the MM bus was on 1 and 8 pins and scanned MS for a long time trying to find information about multimedia there. It's funny, but it is)))

    Therefore, at the moment I have almost no time to study the MM bus, because very busy at work, but writing software is not so difficult for me.

    If you share the ID, I will write the software and it will all work - I will certainly share with all their developments.

  • So, first of all you should be familar with the bus in the Mondeo. Take a look here: https://mk4-wiki.denkdose.de/artikel/can-bu…odule_im_mondeo

    (sorry, not translated to English, use Chrome)

    As you can see there, the IPC works as a gateway for most of the signals on the MS-CAN. Some are passed through without change, some change only the ID and others are completly reassembled. The IDs may vary from vFL to FL slightly.

    CANhacker is good, because we could share tracefiles. Also it uses Lawicel SLCAN that is understood by a variety of tools. Because MM-CAN is very slow (only 125 kbit/s) there should be no problem with your Arduino interface solution.

    I've written some PHP scripts to analyze the data to bring out desired information. But it's still hard work. Especially if there is a communication and not simply sending static data periodically. It's not easy to isolate a communication stream, because there is a loose coupling between sender and receiver, in cause of the nature of the bus. I'm a IT technican too, so i can tell you that CAN works totally different from what you might know.

    Here is a list of all IDs i captured on my FL. In the first column there is the ID i've recorded, the second is the name of the identified module sending/creating that ID. If there is not name, i'm unsure or don't know who is the creator, but it is definitively NOT one of the named ones. The 3rd column is set, if the creator of the message is not located on the MM-CAN bus but is gatewayed by IPC (e.g. BCM or PAM).

    As you see, most messages comes from the Radiosystem itself, which is not a big surprise because there are only a few members on this bus ;)

    I currently have'nt identified any SRCM module IDs but i guesst it must be the missing ones, because my car did not have any more modules left there.

    I identified the IDs by buying the module in question and run it on the desk, with only the CANinterface attached. Most modules need to see an IGN_ON signal on the bus to spit out their IDs and others also need to see the whole CCC, which is a multiplexed message on ID 400.

    I have done many many tracelogs and stored them with information what i have done while recording it. Also i evolved some methods to find what i'm looking for. Mostly tools to reduce the data inside a log, e.g. remove IDs with static data if looking for a change. Or quantify the IDs or Data. Also remove known IDs from a log, to leave only the unknown for further inspection. Looking at ASCII representation of the payload can also bring interesting results. Mostly all data is unencrypted so it's easy to read if you're looking for music titles or such.

    Another good approach is to record and isolate data and to replay it against the receiver. So if you replay a tracefile against an IPC on the desk, it should behave like in the car. Shurely you should remove all IDs the IPC is creating on it's own, to avoid collissions.

    Maybe we should start with something simple. Is there a basic functionality you are looking for?

    I guess if you are talking about an Andriod device (radio) the most common thing would be to have the menu-items visible in Convers+ (IPC) like "Radio". If testing this inside the car, you could simply disconnect the CAN-Wires on the Quadlock and inject your data using your Arduino-Interface.

    To find out which data causes the IPC to display the "Radio" menu, you could do the "narrow down" trick. Make a capture with your Sony radio connected, so the menu appears. Just a few seconds should be enough. Then disconnect the radio and replay the trace. After disconnecting the radio, the menu should disappear (not only greyed out, it should really vanish). And after replaying the data, it should come back again. If this is true, start to remove single IDs from the log until the menu does not appear anymore. You should end up with a single of few IDs left. Next inspect them further and try to change values of the payload. If you could narrow it down to a single byte, keep in mind that many signals are bitwise, and try to set/unset bits from that byte. At the end, you have your data needed.

    "Lernen ist Erfahrung. Alles andere ist einfach nur Information."

    Albert Einstein

  • Yes. Exactly, but besides this, I want to display mp3, aux, navigation, bluetooth and other, which are available in any Chinese android tape recorder.

    Thank you very much for providing the ID !!! This will greatly facilitate my work on decrypting the right bits of data. I wanted to know on which device you got these IDs? Sony, Fantom or other? At the moment, the most interesting signals are navigation and bluetooth, because I do not have them. I have a standard Sony installed, from which you can learn about mp3, radio and aux. I want to display not just the frequency of the radio (this has long been achieved by the Chinese), but also to display data on the converse in 3 lines.

    В конце концов, у вас есть необходимые данные.

    Thank you very much! It will be useful for me.

  • Hallo, ich hab mir mal etwas die DAB-Kommunikation angeschaut, also die Pakete die zwischen DAB-Modul und Radio (in dem Fall ein MCA) hin- und herfließen. Dabei bin ich auf viele interessante Sachen gestossen. Zum einen weiss ich nun das die auf den Senderwahltasten angezeigten Texte definitiv vom DAB-Modul gesendet werden. Aber auch noch viel mehr, ist aber alles noch nicht reif für eine Veröffentlichung.

    Von einem meiner Spielereien und um auch was vorzeigen zu können habe mir ein kleines Tool programmierung und vom Ergebnis mal ein kurzes Video gedreht:

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    "Lernen ist Erfahrung. Alles andere ist einfach nur Information."

    Albert Einstein

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