MCA video

  • hey my MCA dont switch to video on (rear camera) (aftermarket camera)when it starts up but if i unplug the RCA and plug it back into or use a AV device like my multimedia center it works fine, my guessing the video signal is not enough from my camera any ideas please guys?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Gwe89 (8. Mai 2019 um 13:46)

  • does the cam get the Power at the Same time as you choise the reverse gear? Maybe the Signal from the cam comes too late. Try First to Power the cam from continious plus.

    Mondeo 1993 CLX 16V 90PS
    Mondeo 2008 Titanium X 2.5T 270PS
    Mondeo 2010 2.0T Titanium S 240PS

  • hey I have already done that

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