Kind all time of the day dear owners of Ford Mondeo 4
My name is
Daniel I'm from Russia, live in Moscow, we also have the Russian club as
you have a dedicated Ford Mondeo, So this year we are very much flying
support and purchase multimedia system Acodo that's about it I want to
tell you and share with you friends!
Multimedia system "Acodo" made
for Android. This system is made in China factory Acodo I have it now
stands on Ford Mondeo 4 BA7 2008. The model I have is 407 still have 411
the difference between them in the control climate control built-in or
Many will be interested in the products of the company Acodo. it is
known that this is a Chinese manufacturer of multimedia systems for
different brands of cars, including the Ford Mondeo 4. Feedback on the
quality and functionality of the data devices are not numerous, but
nevertheless, on the whole, the owners are pleased with this unit.
tempted by the rich functionality of a sufficiently high quality
workmanship and easy installation in the car (especially the original
panel allows you to apply 8 video matrix, and integrated climate
control, which can control the climate devices in our cars and
visualizes the process on the screen of the device).
The question of
integration with Konvers+, as I understand it resolved quite
minimal?!... But not yet closed and at the moment our programmers are
improvements in the firmware for this system. All the extra information
can be found here
P/S Talking at once. this is not advertising and is not spam!, Dear Admins, I ask You to understand this topic.
Now not many photo itself and technical information.
And here is the
answer of engineers Akodo briefly describes the variants of the models
and is compatible with them picking…d1BF/edit?pli=1
411 model:
[Blockierte Grafik:]
407 model:
[Blockierte Grafik:]
411B matte (in frame for external dual-zone climate on the front panel and frame for ashtrays)
407A gloss with built-in regulators of climate
407B Mat with built-in regulators of climate