
  • Code
    Hello. Has anyone seen this switch? It has a tailgate release. I'm trying to find a part number for it. It was obviously never available in the UK and I can not find any information.<img src = "" class = "woltlabAttachment" data-attachment-id = "28681" id = "wcfImgAttachment0">
    Many Thanks
  • I doubt that this has ever been built in that configuration. As much as I could see this picture is coming from a preview of the Facelift and therefore it may be that it shows details that have not been produced. If you look at the infotainment unit you will find also details that are not known from typical MCA or other Ford Units.


    Die schnellste Verbindung zwischen zwei Punkten ist eine Gerade.
    Die von den meisten Fahrern am wenigsten beherrschte Strecke zwischen zwei Geraden ist eine Kurve.
    Was das heißt?

    Geradeaus sind wir alle schnell !!!

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  • Ah, that does make sense. I googled evosonic, and it is a German radio station. So if none of you guys have seen it, then I guess it is not available. Interesting looking at the MCA, with the "off" button, where it should be a cover plate with only the removal slot behind. Plus the other different labelled buttons. It also has 3rd row air con activated, waste of time on a Mondeo. Doesn't do anything. And AQS enabled with auto recirc. I have this fitted, never an option in UK

    Thanks for your help.


    Never sure whether to post in English, or German, using useless translator. Typical Brit, expects the rest of the world to speak English: Doublethumbsup:

  • Best proof that it is a fake is the station buttom labeled „BIELEFLD“ which is an abbrevation of a town called „Bielefeld“. Every native German citizen knows that this town does‘t exist!!

    "Lernen ist Erfahrung. Alles andere ist einfach nur Information."

    Albert Einstein

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