DAB and NX

  • Can DAB work with NX unit I have DAB module and it works with my MCA unit but when I put NX unit in there's no DAB option

  • The DAB you talk about was made as an external module and this was indroduced first in junctions with the MCA. Of course it is only software but the NX is missing this feature.

    There where some NX models sold with an integrated DAB module, but since it was DAB and not DAB+ (small, but significant difference!) they wheren't sold in Germany, since the old DAB standard was outdate since many years. Unfortunately i never get one of these devices to test on. Somehow they must manage the DAB too.

    Until now, there is no way to use original DAB module with NX.

    "Lernen ist Erfahrung. Alles andere ist einfach nur Information."

    Albert Einstein

  • thank you

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