Hey I have a fx nav unit that's intermittently turned off and on, now it's won't turn on, I have heard the ram chips go faulty is this the case

Fx navigation
Gwe89 -
24. Februar 2019 um 22:57 -
You've heard right.
The link, digdog posted leads to a German version of the fix i posted on the Wiki. Right now, there is no translation to it, so here is a very brief extract of it:
Test the current draw. If it is about 200 mA i would bet the RAMs are faulty. Do the "heat up test" by disassembling the unit completely and apply heat (about 80-100 degree) on both chips on top and bottom of mainboard for half a minute. If the RAMs where faulty, it should start up after this treatment for a short time. Try to get genuine RAMs (very hard, i know... but don't trust China market, there are almost only fake chips you get from there)
And please keep in mind to always change both chips, not only one which looks like the defective one.
thank you I will take a look at it and do as you say
Are these any good for the fx
I can‘t tell, you must try. I am missing the „IT:“ in front of „F“ which denotes they are for automotive use.
Even if they are located in UK, they definitively originated from china. All i‘ve learned about this market is, that they often post images which are not related to the product they deliver.
You really need to test. Buy, solder, do climate test. They MUST work from -20 up to 60 degree celsius without any issue.
okayy thanks I think I have found some genuine ones with same part number
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