Is there a ignition live on a mondeo
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Neues Benutzerkonto erstellenIs there a ignition live on a mondeo
Not in the classic meaning. In general things like audio units are awaken through the can bus traffic and if these are connected to external parts i.e. bulbs you could use this for a relay circuit.
Jo, denke ich, bin ja auch kein native Speaker.
so is there no ignition live any where when ignition comes on there must be a wire somwhere that becomes live
It would help if you could let us know for which purpose you need it.
zigarettenanzünder ?
Was auch immer das auf englisch heißt.
cigar lighter
der läuft aber 20 min nach.
Deswegen wollte ich ja wissen, wofür er es benötigt.
ist bei Zündung an, stromführend. Wird nicht überwacht und recht gut abgesichert. Hab da mein infotaiment angeschlossen.
Wie wärs mit "Klemme 15" Signal?
I need it for an alarm module I need an ignition live too tell it ignition has been turned on, I guess I will just have to probe around too see if I can find one,
I also need a GND when the doors open but I think I will have too add a switch for the GND because I don't think there will be a GND
why don't you retrofit the original one? Its pretty easy.
I'm making my own keyless entry with ardunio Leo canbus board and got my sketch sorted alarm module is sorted but I need ignition + to put FOB In Sleep Mode To Save It's Battery And The GND Is For The Door So When You Open The Door It Will activate The Keyless Fob Again Then When I Walk Away From The Car It Will Lock Ect
I have just finished putting my ardunio in a project case
looks like I may have too make another ardunio project too recieve ignition on and off cmds and switch a relay
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