parking sensors

  • Please help, Just fitted a blaupunkt nx sat nav in my s max 63 plate the old one what the sony dab, and change the converses to show the nav on it, but now the voice control is not working and so the parking sensor Too.I've used the elmconfig with the modified switch. I've used the elmconfig with the modified switch. Hope you have a good answer, Many thanks, Lee rocket launcher

  • you installed an nx on your fl smax? really? one with dvd or sd navigation?

    Mondeo 1993 CLX 16V 90PS
    Mondeo 2008 Titanium X 2.5T 270PS
    Mondeo 2010 2.0T Titanium S 240PS

  • In some configurations, the PDC signal was sent via the radio speakers. Is the PDC button flashing (Indicates a fault)? Maybe your car has no separate speakers for the PDC.

    The voice control cabling is a little bit different, because it is now not longer controlled by a module, rather by the SD-Navi.

    Here you go, Anleitung: Aktivierung der Sprachsteuerung bei nachgerüstetem NX / SD-Navi-Plus

    Lieben Gruß


  • Lee, have you tried Very capable UK based people there....

  • Here in England completely useless i am getting more repose form this forum than in England

  • As long as we know, the PDC Sound is output on audio speakers with Sony CD6000 radio. Never known of any navigation system, not SD and not DVD behave this way.
    Therefore there are no PDC-speakers installed.
    So i think you need to install those. One is above the Convers+ and the other one in the roof at the C pillar. In SMax, the rear speaker is on driver side (in England) behind the rear seats. Those speakers are rellay cheap. You can get them for about 2€ each (new ones).

    "Lernen ist Erfahrung. Alles andere ist einfach nur Information."

    Albert Einstein

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Go4IT (7. Mai 2017 um 08:29)

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